Aug 5, 2022Liked by Edi Obiakpani-Reid

Another well written piece. Even just generally it seems like good advice, just calm down. This world is on edge and everyone is getting worked up over everything. Even things that calmness would help lead to a more beneficial outcomes. Mainlanders have a hard time understanding why Taiwan wants to keep its distance. Not politically, but it is as if one family member never wants to speak to another family member, but all the while maintaining "we are family, that’s what is really important". Still 大陆 remains blind to the political/philosophical differences that caused the rift in the first place. Anyway everything is always better tempered with calmness and patience.

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The family analogy is a good one, and I agree in general people really need to calm down about most of the stuff going on!

I think the CCP is well aware of the ideological differences that broke them up, I think it's more that they're still hung up on the 'right to rule' idea. Their fixation as Taiwan as a place/province has always fascinated me, hoping to understand it better one day!

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Edi Obiakpani-Reid

I hate to say it, but it sounds a lot like the old "Anna May Wong makes shame for China" in Shanghai Express and "Harold Lloyd insults dignity of China with Danger Last". And the rest of the "grave insults" to China by Hollywood in the 1930s. Each time it was a shakedown. There were many ways the Kuomintang could shake down the US in the 1930s, but they perfected the few tools they had.

The PRC used this insult tool because it was a comfortable old tool.

They used naval and air exercises because, as folk singer Phil Ochs put it: "Guns will be guns, and boys will be boys".

What's the fun of having nice military toys if you don't kill people and break things once in a while? Or at least blow up some dolphins?

This "How dare you!" not based on the reality of the visit. Because it's not about the reality of the visit, really.

Love your youtube broadcasts.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Author

Thanks Tom, totally agree with you re the current events not being based on reality. Most news media lives in its own imaginary bubble anyway, and will perpetuate the most extreme narratives to generate more interest.

"The PRC used this insult tool because it was a comfortable old tool." - The victim card is definitely a favourite for the CCP, no moving past those 100 years of humiliation!

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Edi Obiakpani-Reid

Thank you. I suggest you view "Near Peer" by the Army University Press, a brand new documentary and analysis of "the century of humiliation", the rise of China since 1949, and Xi's "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation".

It focuses on the military challenges the United States faces with the ascendancy o

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of the Chinese military, but the "Great Rejuvenation" is explained as much more than that. The video is not propaganda.


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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Edi Obiakpani-Reid

I think maybe sometimes a victim might take longer than we hope they might take to heal from their wounds. But just because we know healing makes you happier and more powerful. China has a strangely delicate disposition. The glass heart thing. But then so do narcissists. We still want narcissists to overcome their emotional disabilities that hinder them from developing and being happy. Because if they did overcome them then they wouldn't act that way anymore and everyone wins. China can't seem to just relax and realize it’s a great country with great people in it. But given enough time it might overcome this self doubt which makes it susceptible to reacting offended whenever it perceives its is not being respected.

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Lloyd film-"Welcome Danger" 1929.

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